Friday, 22 May 2009

Paintings and Poems


Your words embed into my soul

like seeds in furtile soil.

With the pouring of rain

life is embued.

Seeds take root,

that cavort and weave until secure.

Attention! Toil disturbs those seeds,

mutated and grown.

And, with furtive ground laid bare

a soul is freed from the the seeds of your words.

And then, another inspired by my painting above

In Your Hands

Hold you heart carefully within your own hands.

Tender and precious,

and luminous...

like light refracting from gold.

Hold it, keep it close,

let it shine.

Know it is yours alone to own.

Tend to it,

It's your, yours....


As darkness enshrouds

trust and know light is all around

shining for you.

You are never alone

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Works in Progress

Here is a little doll i'm working on at the moment....

As I was planning to share, I dreamt up a little scenario in which sweet cheeks (the dolly) wanted to show herself but was embarrased cause she is incomplete, with no legs and raggedy edges. Then it suddenly dawned on me that I keep repeating similar messages in my blog, in different ways; bizzarely brownies and messy rooms being the past formats. So, I guess this must be a whisper, a message, something important for me to digest. Although I've wrote along this same theme in the past it's like only now can I really stop and try and take that in...give it some space to perculate...hmmm interesting (finger on pursed lips at this moment). I also penned a little poem this morning, which i think shows messages about this are coming through loud and strong....

Am I enough to share your time, to have your ear, and hear your mind?

Am I enough to share my soul and not be judged and not be told?

Am I enough to roam alone and know that time is mine to own?

Am I enough to now be true, yet still be loved enough by you?

I am enough

I guess I am starting to see that my perfectionist self, my vulnerable self wants only to show the capable parts of me, the neat parts of me. It wants to neglect the messy edges and flops...doesn't like to think about them or is punishing that they have happened. Is too scared to show them. Feels alone with them. I need to give space to accepting that we are all works in progress, we can always be enhanced, developed and improved. I need to digest and accept the truth of this. Dare to really show my raggedy myself and to others. To accept that I am enough, even though I am not and can never be perfect. With this mini revelation I hope I have scope to practice, and accept that no matter where I am, how far I have come or how far I have to go, I am a work forever in progress but i am still enough. I hope this for you too.

Monday, 4 May 2009

Long time no post

Well, I've not posted for some time. I thought i'd share some art i've been doing lately but i am feeling a little hesitent- particularly with this new piece...

i completed this a couple of weeks ago and in the meantime kelly rae roberts has done a painting and it worries me - I can see parallels - 2 women with the same coloured hair in similar styles, located in similar positions with text. I completed this before kelly rae uploaded her image (honestly, honestly) and of course she has not seen this piece - a conversation over on gritty jane has got me feeling now quite ... paranoid? ....concerned? ...uncertain? though about how my work might be perceived against others. How can I do my own thing without it being perceived that I am too similar to others, or worse copying them? I know the parallels are purely coincidental but who else would?
So, then i am questioning where have i developed my own style and where is my work representing a morphing of other people's work? I often leave my work hanging around a few days/ weeks to live with it, to know if it's complete but now I'm thinking maybe i need to upload my work straight away so that people can see mine is there before another artist so I can not be considered to be taking their ideas in some way. It's complex...and i feel concerned and i have no way of proving my innocence; a bit dramatic i know, but this is a question of integrity... i just hope any of you out there who might read this have faith in this.
On another note (or not????) here are more shares on what else i've been doing lately...

and this...
and this
although i really can not decide if this last one is finished or lacks a certain something. I've been looking at it over and over and just can not decide - I am wondering if there is too much background...any thoughts on finished or unfinished let me know!