Well, I've not posted for some time. I thought i'd share some art i've been doing lately but i am feeling a little hesitent- particularly with this new piece...
i completed this a couple of weeks ago and in the meantime kelly rae roberts has done a
painting and it worries me - I can see parallels - 2 women with the same coloured hair in similar styles, located in similar positions with text. I completed this before kelly rae uploaded her image (honestly, honestly) and of course she has not seen this piece - a conversation over on
gritty jane has got me feeling now quite ... paranoid? ....concerned? ...uncertain? though about how my work might be perceived against others. How can I do my own thing without it being perceived that I am too similar to others, or worse copying them? I know the parallels are purely coincidental but who else would?
So, then i am questioning where have i developed my own style and where is my work representing a morphing of other people's work? I often leave my work hanging around a few days/ weeks to live with it, to know if it's complete but now I'm thinking maybe i need to upload my work straight away so that people can see mine is there before another artist so I can not be considered to be taking their ideas in some way. It's complex...and i feel concerned and i have no way of proving my innocence; a bit dramatic i know, but this is a question of integrity... i just hope any of you out there who might read this have faith in this.
On another note (or not????) here are more shares on what else i've been doing lately...
and this...
and this
although i really can not decide if this last one is finished or lacks a certain something. I've been looking at it over and over and just can not decide - I am wondering if there is too much background...any thoughts on finished or unfinished let me know!
*sigh* there is so much of this comparison/confusion going on at the moment, it is enough to make you want to stop blogging and selling online sometimes!
Personally though (and this is only my humble opinion)I think your painting is nothing like kelly Rae's.
Yes there are 2 girls and yes there are words but your style of girls is your own (and really great too I might add) and not kelly's.
So all in all a great job and lovely painting ;)
Micki x
I deliberatly don't buy the arty magazines mainly because it does seem that when an article is out several billion (slight exaggeration) people suddenly decide to do something like it and then etsy is flooded with similar artworks!
I didn't even know there was anything about grid work, *sigh* I guess my latest work is not so original then? lol
Micki x
I found your site at Micki's and just wanted to say beautiful beautiful paintings. I really enjoy looking at them.
Im not too familiar with Kelly Rae, but from memory, I agree & say these paintings are uniquely your own. They are great!
Ooh i'm glad their not too similar then (even i'm stressing now lol)
Micki x
Im glad I clicked on your blog today and read what you have been thinking .... I have been feeling the same way. Im afraid to make anything .. I know this was not Jane intention when she brought up the subject .. but I cant help but think nothing I create will be original. I suppose that ALOT of things others created or not origial .. if you look at art enough someone else has probably done it somewhere through out the many many years! My problem with copy cats is just for example .. makeing facial features the same .. enough to where it looks like a certain artist just may have done that .. does that make sense. there are many works of art who have two ladies with same color hair etc ... I do not think yours looks like Kelly Rae's. I guess we can only keep painting. Your thoughts are some of the very reasons I have not been blogging .. im afraid to put out there what I have done .. after classes, magazine tutorials etc .. its bound to "resemble" someone. Keep up what you are doing .. I like your whimsy!
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