Saturday, 7 February 2009

The Fruits of Hibernation

Well, all this freezing weather has some good points. I have not ventured out the house now for 5 days and Paul (my husband) has been away for two-and-a-half of those. So, in my state of isolated hibernation I finally got round to trying my hand at baking, and made a batch of chocolate brownies...but now I know why I must not bake, at least not when I am alone...I have eaten half of them since yesterday afternoon (about six :-} ). I know. It's bad. But they were good, and they go stale so quick...I also finished two pictures, first this
Always Hopeful

This piece has the words always hopeful written in the crown...hope being like a treasure. The rainbow represents the optimism that something better lies beyond. The figure holds a 3-leaf clover, with the hope that one day it will be a four-leaf one. And this...

It reads trying to see beauty in fragility, which I guess speaks for itself. I have also paperclayed the body and head of my dolly - it's took me hours to make and now I can't go on...I've got no quilting thread to sew on her arms and legs and after all my work I don't want them to fall off, or worse be ripped off by a friend's visiting toddler. Anyway, I might rest tonight with a hot bath and TV - creative balance is important, and I've been going wild in all this snow...maybe it's an adult sugar rush...although not good for the body eating brownies may be good for the creative soul...try it and let me know, but you must eat at least six in 24 hours for it to take effect I reckon...creative soul like a temple, body like a dumpling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love your work sam and think it is really you always paul.