Saturday, 20 February 2010

Long time no post...again

Where does the time go? The weeks have flown by and i've neglected this place! Here's a couple of my recent paintings. This one reads 'soul' ...
you might be able to make out there is a compass in the heart area. Soap Box Alert! In the West the rational mind is king, but i like the idea that our mind should actually be the servant...our soul is designed to be our true ruler...our guide and compass...and it communicates through our heart and our feelings... not our thoughts. Trouble is, like all untamed beasts, if we let our minds take over they can become wild and unruly, kicking our emotions to one side. Our heart has little chance then to be 'heard'. I find it increasingly strange that our society encourages us to 'listen' to our mind more than our's seems to me to be a historical legacy of the age of rationalism and the enlightenment era. I am more akin to Romanticism. I think people feel unwell, stressed, anxious and unsettled today because we've been encouraged to ignore how we feel and so are becoming increasingly aliented from our selves...we're led to believe feelings can not be trusted, but our thinking can...and i've got my theories on that, which i won't share today. To keep on track, I think our mind/heart relationship can be summed up using the analgogy of a board meeting scenario - our mind and ego is like the loud, competative, social group pleaser whilst our heart is is more of a quiet, unassuming, patient type who waits to be invited to 'speak'- unless we calm the mind down and sometimes tell it to shut up a bit, we may never really 'hear' what our heart is trying to say. The more subtle communication of emotions and intuition need to be invited in, so we need to try and focus less on analysis and problem-solving. Our mind is a certainly a useful tool, like our body, but let your heart be your king...i truly think it's the more reliable compass to happiness. The mind is so last century!!
Anyway, back to art, this one's called 'Knowing'
Both these lovely paintings are dedicated to my lovely mummy whose birthday it is today...happy birthday mum x x x x


Emz said...

Your work is beautiful!! I can relate totally to your words as well, there is always this inner conflict with me where I know something is not right, but I follow my mind and the words of others before I stop and listen to the feeling... by then I've passed out of happy land and have to claw my way back in. Perhaps I should ignore the brain for a while and just go with the feeling.

Paula In Pinetop said...

This lady with the beautiful red flowers is very very nice.

Star said...

I love all your art works; your style is very pleasing to me.
I, too, relate to your words on "compass of the heart". I have always found that if I follow the true feeling eminating from the heart it will lead you true. Whenever I've ignored it and gone the opposite direction, it's not been a wise choice. It would seem so easy to follow one's heart and make the right choices, yet time and again we think our brain knows best and it leads us to wrong directions. The heart, if listened to wisely, will lead you true, as a compass.

Scylliane said...

I love your creative paintings

DawnEMcA said...

I don't know how you do it, but her eyes have so much knowing in them. Captivating!
