Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Turning grey into colour

Yesterday was REALLY grey outside...I took a snapshot which looks like a black and white photo..only the brickwork shows this was in fact in colour ...So, i decided to tackle this empty box and mix media it up
And today it's been finished and now looks like this

The lid close up...

Lid open


And that's the great thing about can help occupy a grey day by placing you in a world of imagination and colour.
We're on countdown for the giveaway...only 4 could be you!


tions said...

it's not a mixed media box... it's a magic box ! What could go out of it ? A white rabbit ???

a fellow creative dreamer

IVELISE said...

Samantha I loved the picture, it is sooooo beautiful...for me that live in a country where snow, is very very rare, it is amazing!:-)))
Your boxes work are great! I loved your blog I invite you to know my blog too.I wish you all the best dear!:-))))