Thursday, 15 January 2009

Second entry

Well, I thought I had better check in and maintain a little momentum with my blog so that i don't let it fall by the wayside (already). I' ve signed up to Flickr and am in the process of trying to take and organise photos so that I can share them with you. I really love it when blogs link to Flickr so that you can browse through images of other peoples' creations, so i thought it was only fair to reciprocate! As well as other peoples' art work, i just love having a good look at photos of other peoples' homes. I think making a home is a really creative and important thing to do - an opportunity to express yourself and personalise your unique part of the world. I know my home is my sanctuary and I spend a lot of time in it! I suppose I'm also nosey :0), but it's good to be inquisitive ... they will be up soonish for any other inquisitive souls out there.
Here are a few more of my creations I want to share with you

and then, although I have a special place in my heart for all the 'ladies' in this series, i have left my favourites until last... favourites for the colour combinations, theme, and poses... i love these most of all!! Which is your favourite.. any reason?



Oh, and exciting - i have joined an online clay and cloth doll making workshop with Jane DesRosier . My sidebar has an icon of the class logo showing you a glimpse of what is possible - how divine. Jane makes beautiful pieces of art and dolls; I would love to own one of her day....check her out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam,

Tracy and I have been browsing your blog and really like your work. Tracy particularly likes 'entrust' and i like the finished piece (05.02.09). Keep up the good work. Tracy has encouraged me to get in touch with my artistic side and i have decided to put the brush to the canvas. Have a look at Tracy's website and see what you think. My work is under the heading 'abstract'. Hope to see you soon.

