Sunday, 4 October 2009

New Beginnings

New beginnings are the theme of my moment. I have recently resigned from my job in order to pursue a new path...OMG!!!This was...IS... such a big deal for me...years in the making...but I've finally decided to try and take a new path...I'm not fully sure how it will happen, if it will happen but I have to trust SOMETHING will happen. I've been in Education for the past 8 years and I have learnt so much, but it's not for me now. I want to continue to work with people... help facilitate people's growth as I am passionate about this...I never tire of it...including working on my own growth.... but I need to do this in my own way, outside the parameters and boundaries of formal educational systems. I have some ideas of what i might do...but i'm trying to pace myself...i have a real tendancy to get all enthusiastic and rush headlong into things...this time i'm trying to be more measured, trying to believe if it's right for me their will be the space for me...there is no rush. It's took a moment to write this but years to realise it. Years to clear the fog of who i really am and what i really want to do; years to pluck up the courage to tread my own path; years to dare to try and show myself and trust myself. And this is with support of my husband and some close friends and, when i eventually told them, my family. For some of us it's hard to see and show ourselves... really hard. I am still finding my way here.
I've also been busy on a new series of dolls, which i am in love with, both in terms of making them and seeing them in their finished glory...I'll share a couple now and more later

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