At last the bird is finished! For some reason, this piece just struggled into being....the top layer of wax melted off lots of pen detail; I could not get the font or materials right for the lettering; I've revisited this piece numerous times....but persistance has led to completion ...I am now pleased with this piece, and pleased that I saw the process through, rather than give up. It reads "
why not fly free little bird". The theme behind this is based on my recent musings on how we perhaps have more scope for freedom in our lives than we realise/ believe/ hope for. However, the awareness of such possibilities may be likened to a caged bird who' s door is left open - if you've seen a bird who's been caged some time then you might have seen this - they don't want to fly out. There is all that space beyond their cage, but they seem to just sit on their perch and are reluctant to leave, even with coaxing. I wonder if we start to feel comfortable about our potential for freedom if the metaphorical door stays open long enough....do we stay put hoping the door will shut and make things safe again...do we wait for a hand to come in and help us out...do we just one day suddenly take off....how do we even know the door is open - i guess we need to be able to recognise that door to even have such choices and know when it is open for us....
Samantha, I saw you on Creative Textiles and I really like your work. I also crave guidance. I think the online classes and tutorials are going to be very helpful to me. I am really getting into the classes. Your dolls are great. I started as a dollmaker, and am now excited about the mixed media. I like the faces in your artwork. It's something that I need work on.
Good work. Gay
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