Well, I've not been blogging for a while...I've been consumed by a new love...journaling. It's something I've read about and seen a lot of artists do, but it's never really appealed, but now... ah it is a sweet relationship I have developed with this little book :-). I guess i started now as I'm really in the midst of, and commited to, a personal journey of trying to understand and develop a better relationship with myself. So, I joined a journaling course with Tam at
Willowing to motivate me to engage with using journals, as so many things i've read point to how useful they are for self expression and exploration. Well, even before the course started I was hooked. If you've never tried it I can only recommend you give it a go. I have found it illuminating and freeing, a chance to explore myself and a few techniques with no pressure and no reliance on anyone else. I LOVE it. I must admit I can fall in love with things quickly and fall out of love just as quickly, but I've got a feeling this one could be a long lived friend...we'll see. Anyway thought I'd share a few pages with you. The cover...
and then a few pages I've done so far.....

this last one has just been finished today and is a double page spread...it reads the long and arduous journey within oneself...anyone else know that feeling?