I made the cushion on the chair...I was really pleased with this; I did some patchwork first and even used the button thingymecutter on the sewing machine so i could fasten the pad in safely - I can not believe it as I got F- grade at school in needlework and hated it - Miss Fitchett would never believe it!!! Just shows what you can do sometimes. The rug is a TK Maxx find - love that shop. I also made the pelmets above the window...a little wonky as you can see but I don't mind.
Then my bathroom mirror ...
Then lastly my bathroom cabinet, which was in a really bad way when we got it for twenty quid + a mars bar from a local scrap yard! The guy has left it in the rain so it was a bit rotten - Paul sorted out the wood and I decorated using scrap book papers, varnish and paints - see, I even mix media my furniture nowadays...a few coats of varnish seem to have protected it ok so far :-)